The Garlow Studio::The letterpress work of The Garlow Studio and Shulamis Press.

Imprints for the letterpress studio of Sue Abbe Kaplan in Venice, California

The Garlow Studio: A garlow is an
early 20th-century building structure, a
combination of a garage and a bungalow.
I appropriated the term for my space,
a combination garage and work space.
The Garlow Studio was established
in 2003 to design invitations,
stationery, personal
cards and other
custom work for
friends and clients.
Shulamis Press was established in 1996
to explore the idea of Jewish literature and
to publish both traditional texts and
contemporary work. Since its inception,
Shulamis Press has designed and
printed a High Holiday card each
year that utilizes many
printing and design
techniques to express
the texts and the
themes of the holiday.